On behalf of all of us at Student Foundation, we want to express our gratitude and sincere thanks to the student body, alumni and the community support for the 25th Celebration of Lights. It is your support that has made this special event successful and has made this one of the most enduring traditions at Southern Methodist University. This will be a special moment in SMU history that will be remembered for many years to come.
All of us at Student Foundation as with the Student Senate and Program Council work hard at whatever project we do or plan we implement without pay. This fosters the spirit of volunteerism in the real world for those less fortunate than us. Donating our time and money to others is one of the most valuable things that we can do. I split my time serving both Student Foundation and Student Senate because I know the potential for us to make a difference in the lives of our fellow students at SMU and hence our community and the world in the knowledge that we gain here to help the less fortunate.
I donated $500 to help finance Celebration of Lights and I challenge the Student Senate to do the same to fund this worthy cause. Every chance we have to serve the less fortunate reflects on SMU and how people perceive us.
Chuck LingoStudent Foundation