Finance committee not big badwolf
To the Editor:
Since I am chair of the Senate environment committee, I knowfirsthand of the complications and details of our proposals andrequests for the funding of our efforts. I’d like to clarifythat the finance committee is not exactly the big bad wolf of theStudent Senate, which some may interpret to be true fromyesterday’s editorial and previous articles from senatemeetings.
Although I do not agree with their past recommendations to fund$0 for our Capital Request, which many senators also disagreedwith, I do not think that they deserve to be demonized for theirrecommendations. Furthermore, our request for funds from theStudent Association’s capital fund were not capital items forour Single-Stream Recycling Program, as stated in youreditorial.
This was obviously a misinterpretation, but to clear thingsup…our request for Rolling Appropriations was really theonly financial request that we made to fund our efforts tocorrectly label the recycling bins on campus (our single-streamrecycling program).
The capital supplies were actually being requested so that thecommunications committee would have two more pair of scissors, onehammer and a heavy-duty staple gun — all for making theSenate’s stake signs. Now, this of course may have confusedsome of the finance committee members since the environment chair,not the communications chair, was requesting these items, but I didnot think that I was asking that much from the finance committee byrequesting $20 for supplies that would give our committees theneeded tools to sufficiently build stake signs, so I probablydidn’t take the situation as seriously as I obviously shouldhave.
But regardless, the Senate committees still need these extratools and should not have to go about asking to borrow tools fromother organizations.
In fact, that is what the communications committee is for, tohelp or to lend the tools in making stake signs or any other typeof advertising for Senate events.
Although, the finance committee may be a little”short-sighted” in the opinions of some, they certainlyhave NOT “repeatedly denied the environment committee a wayto reduce, reuse and recycle.” On the other hand, I doappreciate the editorial board’s support and recognition ofour efforts and your recommendation for our Senators to support ourrequest to fund our Boulevard Recycling Program.
Joseph Grinnell
SMU Senate
Environment Committee Chair
To the Editor:
To the person or persons who scraped the “Greens forKerry” bumper sticker off my car while it was parked nearfraternity row sometime on Monday.
Since you were too cowardly to confront me directly and engageme in an adult discussion of political differences, you mustrealize that you have only served to confirm my assumptions aboutthe shoddy ethics and lack of integrity of so many supportersof the current administration in Washington. Too bad.
I had to laugh at the irony, however. It seemed like just thekind of thing Dubya would have done during his”young and irresponsible” days.
I have no doubt you will continue to follow in his footstepsand perhaps go on to destroy the environment, launch illegalinvasions and lower the level of publicdiscourse and American credibility at home and abroad.I’m sure he would be proud of you.
Margaret Dew
Cox School of Business