With nearly 78 million users in the United States alone, Instagram has dominated the social media scene ever since its 2010 launching.
Photographers, models, and food connoisseurs alike use the app as an outlet to attract followers and fans from across the globe. Often times, our Instagram feeds become cluttered by ample amounts of friends’ Boulevard pictures and images of amazing food we cannot eat. So, when you’re in need of some new scenery or an easy laugh, check any of these hilarious accounts.
1. @girlwithnojob

With a bio reading, “My dream job is not needing one,” account director Claudia Oshry kills the meme game with hilariously accurate posts about the constant struggles of womanhood and the inescapable Kardashian clan.
2. @_eavesdropper

With a city as big and diverse as New York, it is almost a guarantee that anyone, acting as an innocent bystander, will hear at least one inconceivably odd thing every day. Lucky for us, someone was smart enough to begin to document them, creating an eclectic collection of amusing and extremely out of context sentences.
3. @satiregram

With the amount of users Instagram attracts, one would think that the Insta-sphere would be full of diverse and thought provoking posts. But, interestingly enough, most Instagram users are about as basic as it comes. The masterminds behind @satiregram recognized this trend and created this hysterical account of simple handwritten notes mocking all of the aspiring selfie queens out there.
4. @cashcats

As lyrical genius Young Jeezy once wrote, “they got racks on racks on”… cats?
Although I may hold the record for following the most cat accounts of any user, @cashcats is guaranteed to get a giggle out of even the most diehard dog lovers.
5. @textsfromyourex

Another text based account, but this one was created with the sole purpose of putting those exes on blast, with real texts from reaaaaally pathetic exes.
6. @flyartproductions

Who said art couldn’t be fun? This account challenges that preconceived notion by pairing two very unlikely things: rap lyrics and classical paintings.
7. @kidsaretheworst

This account, probably created by ex-members of the Babysitter’s Club, features children doing what they do best: whatever they want. It is almost that guaranteed 99 percent of the population would find these pictures funny. Unfortunately, the other 1 percent are the poor souls that have to deal with these shameless shenanigans.
8. @youdidnoteatthat

This fabulous account captures the worst people on the planet: unnaturally beautiful women pretending to eat the extremely fattening food that every average women actually consumes daily. So ladies, prepare to laugh while also wanting to throw your phone against a wall in extreme anger and/or jealousy.
9. @yoyoha

@yoyoha is an account featuring the work of artist Josh Hara. As a mixture of insanely amazing Sharpie drawing on coffee cups and simply hilarious puns, it is an absolute must follow.
Because most of you are probably worried about your following to followers ratio, you aren’t interested in following any more accounts. But trust me, any of these accounts are worth the laugh. So, unfollow that pathetic ex and get the most out of your Instagram feed.