Big Tex returned to Fair Park with a variety of rides, shows andexhibits for the 2004 State Fair of Texas.
As usual, the fair offers numerous concession stands with fanfavorites such as funnel cakes, corn dogs, turkey legs and friedOreos if you don’t mind shelling out the extra cash andrunning a few extra minutes on the treadmill.
This year Big Tex added new menu items to accompany itslong-time favorites. Hold on to your thighs, just reading aboutthese items is enough to bump you up a pants size:• FriedMarshmallows — Also known as “tasty little clouds fromheaven,” these babies are skewered, battered, fried anddusted with confectioners sugar and, if your arteries can handleit, topped with chocolate syrup. • German Fajitas —Yummy German sausage, sliced, grilled and sautéed withpeppers and onions, rolled in a giant flour tortilla. •Chocolate-covered Bananas on a Stick — Plump, fresh bananaspeeled, stuck, frozen and coated with delicious chocolate. •Paradise Pie Bars — Last year’s lip-licking triumphwith a twist combines key lime pie with strawberry bits. It’sskewered and dipped in tasty chocolate and frozen.•Fasnachtschüechli [Swiss Carnival Pastry] — Theunpronounceable snack is a pastry carved into the shape of a hat,deep fat fried, then topped with confectioners’ sugar andvanilla whipped cream. We do not advise giving this snack to smallchildren.
[Keep reading if you think the seams on your pants willhold.]• Awesome Bread Pudding — Made locally from afamily recipe and covered with a special rum sauce.• SpicyOlive Bites — Black olives combined with a bold mix of salsa,Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheeses dipped in Japanese bread crumbsand seasoned with green and red jalapenos. These will surely makeyou scream for ice cream in the morning. • Fried NutterButters — A favorite cookie takes a swim in batter and istopped with sugar. At least the snacks get some exercise. •Maytag Blue Cheese Potatoes — Tornado Taters topped withMaytag blue cheese sauce. • Fried S’Mores Candy Bars— As if S’Mores alone aren’t enough to make yougrow an extra chin. What’s next, deep fried fries that arethen dipped in batter and fried again?
Ed Board supports Big Tex’s new menu items and feels theneed to offer up a delicious suggestion: Fooperschnutzel — Asolid piece of lard carved into the shape of a cowboy boot,deep-fat fried then topped with bacon grease and cinnamon. At therate they’re going, next year they’ll have triple-friedTwinkies, deep fried Klondike bars and the ultimate dish:Nothin’ But Fried Batter!