If you’re telling all your friends and family thatyou’re on the path to law school, hold the phone until youknow all the answers to these common questions:
Do you have the right stuff?
The No. 1 skill necessary for law school is a firm grasp of theEnglish language. According to Judy McMaster, SMU’s pre-lawadviser, “Spoken and written words are the principal tools ofthe legal profession.” Analytical skills and clarity ofexpression are also crucial.
What majors are best for pre-law students?
Liberal arts majors tend to do best in law school because of theheavy dose of reading and writing. As long as the student’soverall curriculum appears challenging, law schools generallydon’t have a preference of majors.
What should I look at when choosing a law school?
Ideally, you choose a school that has “prestige enough toopen doors in the business and political world,” said DavidRushing, an SMU law student. Law schools are regional; look only atlaw schools in an area of the country you wouldn’t mindsettling in for three to five years after law school graduation.After those considerations, check out the school’s stats.Things like class size are important factors to many students.Rankings are often given too much weight. “Ninety percent ofthe law school deans have said in writing to take the rankings witha grain of salt,” McMaster said. Just like when shopping foran undergraduate university, visiting campuses and sitting in onclasses are good ways to get a sense of what the law school has tooffer.
What do law schools look for when choosing students foradmission and scholarships?
The Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) is by far and beyond themost crucial aspect of a potential student’s application.Following LSAT score, they look at cumulative GPA, letters ofrecommendation, extra-curricular activities and personalstatements. If your LSAT score is high enough, law schools arewilling to overlook a less-than-sterling GPA. A competitive LSATscore is 160, and 3.5 is a good goal for a GPA.
What do I do to prepare for the LSAT?
Many students feel preparatory courses are the most beneficialtools while others prepare adequately on their own using past LSATexams. KAPLAN and the Princeton Review produce the most popularcourses but they are expensive. SMU has a similar prep coursethrough the Office of Continuing Studies that is significantly lessexpensive. The best route is a combination of studying alone andtaking a course. “The key is to have the mental focus andmental discipline to spend 100-150 hours preparing for the LSAT.There is no substitute for practice, practice, practice,”said McMaster. When preparing for the LSAT students should learnhow to use logic and spot the issues in various situations.
When is the best time to take the LSAT?
If you’re planning to go straight to law school aftergraduation, take the LSAT in June of your junior year. By taking itin June, you can have your application sent in by October orNovember of your senior year — the typical time of earlydecision deadlines. Students who meet the early decision deadlineshave better chances of gaining admission and scholarships. Keep inmind that the number of law school applications has skyrocketed inrecent years, and this “gives law schools the luxury ofmaking their admission standards more selective,” saidMcMaster.
Ouch! My first LSAT score is disappointing. Should I take itagain?
Probably not. Law schools average your LSAT scores. The bestplan is to take the LSAT seriously and study hard in the firstplace.
Is it okay to take time off before diving into lawschool?
Absolutely. At very least, it won’t hurt you. Point incase, David Rushing believes that students who took time off tendedto do better because they were more mature and focused. Plus, lawschools love to see students with real-world experience.
Do I need a law internship before I graduate with myundergraduate degree?
It couldn’t hurt, although it’s not necessary. Aninternship probably will not significantly boost yourrésumé. However, internships help students get a feelfor law professions and can help define their ambitions.
What should I expect in my first year as a lawstudent?
“Absolute terror,” said McMaster. The first yearintroduces students to a whole new school of thinking, and thiswill be challenging to say the least. On the other hand, Rushingsaid, “If you maintain perspective and read the assignments,you should do fine.” He also suggests finding an upper-levelstudent to get outlines and old exams.