Two big SMU lacrosse losses may end up not being huge seasonsetbacks for the team after all.
Over these past two weekends, the lacrosse team were scheduledto host five games in eight days against the University of NorthTexas, No. 25-ranked University of Missouri, Trinity University andNo. 6-ranked Texas A&M. The Texas Tech game was canceled due tothe snowy weather and is yet to be rescheduled.
“The Texas Tech cancellation was a blessing indisguise,” defensive player Tommy Jones said. “We werejust not fully prepared, but we will definitely be ready for themnext time.
After snowy Saturday’s change of plans, SMU faced UNT inthe Sunday sun of Parent’s Weekend. It was a well-balanced18-11 victory for the Mustangs with goals spread across theroster.
“We really turned a corner as team with the help of suchgreat fan support from students, family and friends,” Jonessaid.
Coming off a winning high from such a positive weekend, theMustangs were looking to continue their winning record as theyfaced Missouri, Trinity and A&M.
Jones said that this was huge weekend for SMU lacrosse. Beatingeither Missouri or A&M could have meant our team being votedinto the top 25 teams in the nation.
Despite the high level of importance of this past weekend, SMUfell to both Missouri 8-15 and A&M 11-6, but these losses werenot taken lying down.
The Mustangs beat Trinity on Saturday by a margin of 10 points,making their record 4-3 on the season.
“Unfortunately we did lose those games, but the fact thatour team can compete with such powerhouse universities says a lotabout how far we have come and far we can go,” co-captainChip Hiemenz said.
The lacrosse team is planning to face the South LakeCobra’s men team on Sunday at an away game.
The team’s next home game is at 4 p.m. on March 20 againstStanford on the SMU Intramural Fields.