Spencer J Eggers/ The Daily Campus
Exercising is one of the simplest ways to improve your health, and SMU’s pristine campus is a perfect setting to burn calories. Coupled with eating well and getting proper rest, you can get fit and stay fit in 2012.

Exercising is one of the simplest ways to improve your health, and SMU’s pristine campus is a perfect setting to burn calories. Coupled with eating well and getting proper rest, you can get fit and stay fit in 2012. (Spencer J Eggers/ The Daily Campus)
While it may be a little cliché to do yet another article on how to start 2012 on a healthy foot, it is time to jump on the bandwagon
For some, this January is more than just sticking to your New Years resolution — it is the first stepping stone to beginning a life-long healthy lifestyle.
However, if you are like most people, by the end of this month you will be back to your old junk food eating habits and will quit hitting the gym.
What many people fail to understand is that being healthy does not mean that you can never eat a piece of cake or go a day without exercising.
While the cabbage soup diet may work and produce short-term results, who honestly wants to eat cabbage for the rest of their life? Fad diets like this do not work.
It is all about balance and figuring out what works for you. Instead of focusing so much on diet food and working out for your physical appearance, focus on your actual health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
5 few tips for a “healthy you” in 2012
1. Eat clean, eat clean, eat clean. This does not mean to only eat celery and carrots. It is trying your best to eat natural foods.
People tend to make the mistake of focusing solely on counting calories.
However, a piece of grilled chicken or a few whole wheat crackers with hummus is going to be more filling than a 100 calorie pack that contains added ingredients.
2. Do not starve yourself.
Hungry people are not fun to be around. Hunger is your body telling you it needs fuel.
Eat when you are hungry to keep your metabolism on track and avoid binge eating later. Try to eat until you are satisfied, not until you feel like an overstuffed sausage.
A lot of people’s bodies get used to not being fed and extra fat is stored.
If your body does not know when you will eat again, it will hang onto every last piece of food. It is essential to eat in order to lose or maintain your weight.
3. Find time to exercise. This does not mean you have to work out 24/7, just try to do something active everyday.
If you run 10 miles, good for you. But, going on a 45 minute walk with a friend or a relaxing bike ride is just as good.
If you only have 20 minutes a day to do some type of exercise, that is better than nothing at.
Try out different types of exercise and find out what you like.
If you hate to run but love yoga, take a yoga class or pop in a yoga DVD. If you are enjoying yourself, chances are you will stick to it.
4. Treat yourself.
Have a cheat day. One cheat meal or dessert is not going to make you gain five pounds.
Strive to eat clean 80 percent of the time and enjoy yourself the other 20 percent.
Chances are, you will begin to crave your new healthy food because you will realize how much better you feel.
If you are craving a greasy cheeseburger or ice cream, eat it, enjoy it, savor every last bite and then get right back on track with your next meal.
5. Sleep.
As college students, it is hard to find time to sleep but it is vital to get at least six hours each night.
Our bodies crave sleep in order to be able to function throughout the day.
The more you sleep, the better you feel mentally and physically.
Remember, health is more than just your physical appearance.
It is about taking care of yourself so that you are able to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.
If you have to skip a workout to comfort a friend, skip it. If your family is going out for pizza, don’t skip out for fear of eating a couple of slices.
Get fit while feeling good this year.