Each year the Students’ Association takes stock of how theStudent Senate can do more for you and make your voice heard. Thisyear is no different, and over the year we have found a number ofways to increase your voice in the Student Senate. However, to makethis happen we need you to vote in today’s constitutionalreferendum (www.smu.edu/elections) and approve the fourconstitutional amendments.
Overall, the amendments both clarify our current operatingprocedures and increase students’ opportunity to getinvolved. We hope that by instituting these changes, we willempower all students to make a difference and make SMU an evenbetter place than it already is. The amendments have been heavilydebated and overwhelmingly approved by your Student Senaterepresentatives, and we hope that you will join us in making theman official part of your Student Body Constitution.
The first change makes it possible for those students who enterSMU with a significant number of credit hours (either through APclasses, IB classes or college classes) to be a part of the StudentSenate and participate in the elections for first year senators.The amendment also clarifies who can run for first-year studentsenator seats and school seats.
The second amendment increases the number of individuals who areeligible for the Student Senate officer positions. For those of youwho may not be aware, the Student Senate officers are responsiblefor maintaining the Senate during our Tuesday meetings and serve onthe Student Senate Executive Committee.
Amendment No. 3 clarifies that the Student Body Secretary is avoting member of the Student Senate, an oversight that has alwaysbeen a part of By-laws and Policies & Procedures, but neverofficially included in the constitution.
Finally, the last constitutional change eliminates the need foran election when an interim student body officer runs uncontestedin a mid-year special election. The change safeguards for anapplication period to make sure all students have the opportunityto run and apply, but prevents unnecessary hassle and delay.
We appreciate you taking the time to consider and approve theseimportant and essential changes.
The Student Senate is at its best when the students take anactive role in making their voice heard, so we hope that you willdo so today by voting “yes” on each of these fourchanges at www.smu.edu/elections.
Thomas Kincaid is the student body president. He may bereached at [email protected].
*Lindsay Germano also contributed to this commentary. She isthe Student Senate parliamentarian. She may be reached [email protected].