ACS at SMU raised $165 and united SMU students fighting for cancer awareness at the first Pedal to End Cancer event on Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Dedman Rec Center.
SMU student and ACS at SMU member Nicole Parmelee enjoyed “seeing the community of people that are willing to help and stand up together to fight this.”
“It’s really inspiring and I’m really glad I’m a part of it,” Parmelee said.
Pedal to End Cancer was a half-hour spin class fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The money provided by ticket sales and donations will fund American Cancer Society programs, patient services and cancer research.
Many of Pedal to End Cancer’s participants were interested in the event due to a personal relationship with cancer or witnessing its impact on loved ones. SMU student and ACS at SMU member Siggy Sigtenhorst was diagnosed with cancer at 4 years old.
“If anyone’s going to be a part of it, it should be me. We are a big family of cancer survivors,” Sigtenhorst said. “I don’t just want to end cancer, I want to make cancer patients’ lives better in every way while cancer still exists.”
However, some of the participants weren’t used to organizations talking about a heavy topic so openly.
SMU international student Cecilia Gonzalez said that Mexico didn’t have organizations that raised awareness for cancer in a positive way.
“I really like how people know about cancer and are not afraid to talk about it and want to help people who have cancer find a cure,” Gonzalez said.

Pedal to End Cancer also raised awareness for ACS at SMU’s largest fundraiser Relay For Life. This spring, Relay For Life will honor those who have battled cancer with food, games and activities.
Parmelee said that Pedal to End Cancer’s goal was to get people involved and start raising money before the big event.
“All of these smaller events are just to fundraise and help us get the word out,” Parmelee said. “The more people that know about it, the more people can help us stand up against it.”
ACS at SMU’s Relay for Life will be held April 5 from 6 p.m. to midnight. Click here to RSVP and find out more details.