To the Editor:
I doubt the families of the heroic American soliders fallen inIraq would appreciate having the names of their sons and daughtersused in the doleful, faux-tribute for All-Saints Day onthe quad of Perkins Chapel Monday afternoon. Despite theuniversity’s claim of non-partisanship, the unstatedpolitical agenda of this public display on Election Eve was obviousto any passerby.
If SMU wants to encourage meaningful student support and respectfor the Armed Forces, then ask students to send letters and cardsto the troops and their families. Set up collection pointswhere students can donate gum, powerbars, phone cards, decks ofcards and other goodies to send to the soldiers. And save thereading of names of the dead for All-SOULS Day, Nov. 2, when it isliturgically correct to do so.
Dr. Carol Reynolds
Associate Professor
Meadows School of the Arts