At the beginning of the school year, I sat in on an economics lecture given by Professor Wheaton. She focused her class, surprisingly, not on the aspects of economics, but on how to become a hero. Everyone dreams of being considered a hero at least once in his or her lifetime, but is uncertain of how to accomplish that goal and is unaware of the responsibilities and duties of being a hero. Therefore, with great consideration and thoughtfulness, Professor Wheaton’s eight steps to becoming a hero are as follows:
First, she says, you must decide why you really want to become a hero. Basically, this is your personal mission statement. What do you want to do with your life? Is it for personal gain or for the betterment of society? How do you want the world to remember you?
Next, you must decide what you want to do. Make a list of your skills and abilities, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself. Think through how to use this list to do something you find truly rewarding.
Third, you must decide how you want to use those skills and abilities – this is your personal vision statement. How do you want to accomplish this? If you are not ready for a complete life change, think of small steps you could be taking right now to achieve your mission. Outline a plan with measurable objectives and realistic timelines for accomplishment.
You must also find a mission field. Batman has Gotham City. Superman has Metropolis. Where will you be a hero? Your field could be a location or an undeserved part of the population.
Next, you must pick a phrase or theme that describes your hero self, no matter what time or night, what occasion it is, or what condition you are currently in. For example, Green Lantern’s phrase is “In brightest day…in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight! Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power – Green Lantern’s Light!” So pick a life motto that describes your goals, your ambitions, or why you should be a hero.
Also, it is important to keep in mind that no matter what, humility always wins the day. Who is going to root for an arrogant superhero? When working on your hero status, remember why you wanted to be one in the first place.
You must also be aware of the facts of being a hero. Becoming a hero requires hard work, patience and study. It takes practice. You are going to mess up. Take it as a lesson. Go forward. The life of a hero is tough. Heroes don’t get a day off and are often unrecognized. Furthermore, being a hero means sacrificing some activities and behaviors that may be common to others.
Your last step in becoming a hero is to take action. Use what you have to change the world. Join people with similar interests to accomplish even more. Keep in mind, the Green Lantern is stronger as a member of the Justice League.
With these steps, you get a better understanding of how to become a hero and what the standards are for heroes in general. Everyone wants to make a difference in the world and have an affect on people. Following these eight steps will help you achieve that goal and make you stand out above the rest.
Allison Cooley is a sophomore finance major. She can be reached for comment at [email protected].