A few weeks ago, Britney Spears’ mother Lynne made astatement that her daughter is not trashy and is merely a victim ofmedia “vultures.” The following is a letter written inresponse to her comment.
Dear Mrs. Spears,
You have a very successful daughter. Britney is an entertainmenticon. As her agent, you have done a wonderful job. Now, amidst amedia frenzy around Britney’s marriage, you have responded tothe critics of your daughter’s image, saying that the mediahave portrayed your daughter as trashy. Well, Mrs. Spears, perhapsyour daughter isn’t just a product of media slander.
Let’s examine the evidence. On Britney’s first CD,she brought back the Catholic schoolgirl sex appeal into the popculture. She released various other sexual songs including”I’m a slave 4 u” and “Toxic.” On hermost recent CD, Britney recorded a song called “The Touch ofMy Hand” that depicts masturbation. But it’s not justthe song lyrics that give audiences the impression that Britney istrashy. She is scantily clad in almost all of her music videos andperformances and is notorious for scandalous, sexual, erotic dancemoves. Britney has posed numerous times in Rolling Stone. Camerashave caught her walking around barefoot outside sporting leg-baringcut-off jean shorts. What kind of image is this supposed to givethe media and consumers?
If you don’t think her physical image and music is reasonenough for people to call her trashy, then maybe you shouldconsider her two marriages in the past nine months. Her firstmarriage to hometown sweetheart Jason Alexander, which took placein Las Vegas, lasted a total of 55 hours. Her second marriage toKevin Federline, a surprise to those who were close to her, tookplace only two weeks ago and there are rumors it might not even belegitimate. Sources say that Kevin and Britney were datingseriously while his ex-girlfriend was pregnant with his secondchild. Do you consider these marriages classy? Britney and Kevineven got matching personalized track suits to wear before thewedding, hers saying “Mrs. Federline” and his saying”The Pimp.” Matching tracksuits just screamrefinement.
Mrs. Spears, you have truly done a great job gettingBritney’s name out in the public. Her popularity continues toskyrocket with every new song. Please help your daughter. She isnot solely a victim of media “vultures.” Her picturesand music videos speak for themselves. Teach her to put on shoesand to wear clothes that cover her up just a little bit better. Sheis such a talented entertainer, and it would be a shame to lose herabilities to a trashy reputation.
A few years ago there was a “Welcome to Louisiana”sign on the Louisiana border featuring the words, “Proud homeof Britney Spears.” The state received numerous complaintsand had to take the sign down. Judging from the action that thestate of Louisiana took in response to multiple complaints, youprobably should reconsider your earlier defense.
Here’s hoping your daughter will give everyone less totalk about.