SMU Student Theatre opens its season with Sam Shepard’sthought-provoking drama “True West.” The play debuts inthe basement studio, located in B450 at Meadows School of the Arts.This debut marks the first show to open under leadership of thisnew student theatre organization. Performance dates are at Sept. 12at 4 p.m. and Sept. 13 – 14 at 8 p.m.
For those unfamiliar with the SMU theatre experience,here’s the scoop.
Aside from main stage productions, dozens of fascinating studentprojects are performed in the basement spaces of the Meadowsbuilding are free.
For those who have never attended basement productions, checkthem out this semester. Project shows tend to be contemporary worksthat revolve around simplicity and character relationships.
SMUST formed because of student and faculty members. GretchenSmith, a member of the theatre faculty, said the idea had beenfloating around for many years. The company is currently reviewingsubmitted projects for its first official season.
The group allows students to present their projects to a studentpanel for approval. Once approved, students may request a budgetfor their show. Funding comes from the Main Stage account, and fromSMU’s theatre patrons. The group plans to provide anexciting, edgy and powerful experience for theatergoers.
“True West,” an early Shepard work, deals with therough world of two brothers living in California.
The play confronts the desires of the American heart. Usingwitty and thoughtful dialogue, Shepard masterfully weaves thedreams and ambitions of the modern man. In the end, he challengeshis audience by pursuing the deeper meaning behind thebrother’s desires.
“I want the audience to question life after seeing thisshow. I want to engage and terrify them,” director CarterGill said.
The show also provides a humorous and startling look atHollywood life and sibling rivalry.
Unlike other planned productions, the cast of “TrueWest” worked with the script prior to this semester. The showopened in Tampa, Fla., earlier this summer. The roles areunaltered.
Sophomore Chris Rutherford plays Austin, and junior Ryan Wanglerplays Lee.
The characters, who were also portrayed by Oscar-nominated actorJohn C. Reilly and Phillip Seymour Hoffman on Broadway, arerealistic. They remain two of the most astonishing charactersShepard has written.
The other two members of the cast include Adam Elliot andVirginia Fry. Ashley Grombel is serving as stage manager.