One of the greatest advantages SMU boasts over otheruniversities is the substantial decision-making power given to itsstudent body. Unlike many institutions, student leaders are notmerely figureheads who give speeches at graduation. Theundergraduate population has a voting member of the Board ofTrustees, and Student Senate is afforded the power to charterorganizations, allocate funds, and revise the code of conduct. Veryfew universities boast such a student-minded bureaucraticstructure.
However, with increased power comes increased responsibility.These lofty duties demand a team of tireless student leaders withthe capacity to place the school’s welfare before their own.We are fortunate to have peers who have accepted these positionsand altruistically sacrifice countless hours and endless effort forthe betterment of SMU.
When one of the primary student leaders fails to fulfillresponsibilities, the student body is weakened. On Tuesday, StudentBody Secretary Ashley Earnest relinquished her role as chair of theCode of Conduct Committee, which revises the rules governingeverything from student rights to Greek life. Earnest’sremaining tasks are largely trivial: recording minutes at meetingsand taking attendance.
The executive committee of Student Senate and the leadership ofthe student body have thus become shorthanded. Chairing thiscommittee is a huge job, and alas, it has been placed on the plateof our already busy Senate Parliamentarian, Adam Hill. It is simplyinfeasible to expect the Parliamentarian to handle the crucial taskof acting as interpretive authority on all Senate policy andprocedures while juggling the secretary’s duties on the side.Despite claims by Earnest that such duties have been reassigned inthe past, no one has ever handed off the tasks of an elected officeto such a large degree.
The student body cannot hope to receive the same quality ofleadership without a full staff providing 100 percent effort. Wesympathize with Earnest’s explanation that she is fightingthrough a semester fraught with personal trials. Regardless, herinability to perform the duties of her office negatively affectsthe entire student body.
With that said, Ed. Board believes Earnest should resign assecretary of the student body. This decision best suits everyoneinvolved, including Senate, the student body and Earnest herself.Student Senate could return to full strength, having one individualfocusing on each of the executive positions. The student body wouldreceive the quality of leadership we demand. And Earnest would notbe forced to carry the weight of 10,000 students as she copes withevents in her non-Senate life.