Hopefully fall break gave everyone the opportunity tocontemplate the fast approaching holiday. We should all have apretty good idea of what to be for Halloween, but before you decideon a final costume, let’s review a few do’s anddon’ts of the costume extravaganza.
In the interest of those around you, how about a littlecreativity this year when choosing an outfit for the festiveoccasion. It might come as a shock, but SMU has had its fair shareof pimps, Tarzans (for anyone who’s been to a swimmers’party), Hooter’s waitresses, slutty nurses, slutty devils,slutty angels, the slutty version of Princess Leia (Jabba theHutt’s chained “slave”) … Has anyonenoticed a trend?
Remember when Halloween was about treats, glow sticks,jack-o-lanterns and hayrides. To say you “scored,”meant you had received a lot of candy.
But for some, college breeds the opportunity to fuse thedressing up and the acting out of certain … err fantasies.Suddenly, the celebration takes a turn towards sex and candy,glow-in-the-dark toys and rolls in the hay.
Perhaps it’s too much to ask of college students to thinkbeyond the realm of arousal. Maybe we might be stretching thelimits of SMU’s creativity when we ask for Halloween to bemore than a means of attracting the other sex to get you some.
Satisfying your carnal appetite is all well and good, but onemore “slutty cheerleader” at your Halloween party mightsend SMU over its limit. Believe us, the [fill in your everydaywoman-identified occupation] meets seductress has been done before.And it’s not fair to ladies who have such a small spectrum tochoose from.
Let’s all try something new for Halloween. (There’salways the Pimps and Prostitutes party where you can be hookers andman-whores till you drop). We want to see some originality, andsome cleverness.
Grab a cigar, dress up like Freud, and ask girls about theirrepressed desires. Go as nothing, and tell people your non-existentcostume is an Iraqi weapon of mass destruction, can’t youtell?
You and your boyfriend can go as Nick Lachey and JessicaSimpson; but only if your boyfriend where’s a shirt saying,”I’m with stupid.” If you must be a slut, give ita new twist: the slutty nun, or the slutty welfare recipient withbabies in your arms, or strapped to your back. Or, a SMU band slutwith strategically placed beanies tied with a string, and play thepiccolo.
Or just cut a hole in a large box for your head. Wear it on yourshoulders. Glue on a lamp, alarm clock, pair of spectacles andbook, and call yourself a “one night stand.”That’s how it will end up anyway.