What seemed like a never-ending week has finally come to aclose. Students have spent awkward moments in the wrong class.Teachers have tried to learn student names only to realize some arein the wrong class. Administrative assistants have calmed the fearsof seniors wanting to graduate but not able to get in necessaryclasses.
Here are some tips to help you survive the next 14 weeks orso:
1. The Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center suggests youintroduce yourself to professors early in the semester. Before youenter any office or wait in a line after class, have an escaperoute planned. You could say you have a therapist slash dentistappointment or try to copy off the people in front of you. Theprofessor probably won’t notice.
2. For mid-day classes be sure to have enough time for parking.At least an hour. Ignore the red “lot full” sign, therehas to be one space just for you. Actually, if your parents canafford a helicopter, get that. Ford stadium should suffice for alanding pad.
3. The Career Center says be prepared. Visit your local travelagency today. Spring Break is only a month and a half away.
4. Do purchase textbooks before finals week begins. When youreturn books at the end of the semester, make sure to ask for themoney in quarters. You could get at least two or three loads oflaundry out of the way. Or, get almost two hours in the visitorparking meters.
5. Listen to Student Body President Thomas Kincaid and getinvolved in an organization on campus. We promise your chips andX-box will be there when you get back from the meeting. The chipsare free at the meetings and coke products are normallyprovided.
6. If you want to have a bake sale outside the Hughes-TriggStudent Center, be sure to include a list of recipes in yourapplication.
7. Avoid going to the Health Center if at all possible. Youmight walk in with a cold and come out pregnant.
8. Don’t waste your money on subscriptions to Vogue orInStyle. Simply walk down Bishop Boulevard for the lateststyles.
9. Leave your cell phone on in class. And when the phone ringsdon’t turn if off, simply apologize and wait for it to ringagain. Because the person calling really thinks you were freakishlydisconnected. Plus, teachers love it when they are interrupted.
10. Mark Wed., March 31 on your calendar. It is the last day todrop a class.