This chart shows the popularity of Groupon and Living Social over a period of time.

This chart shows the popularity of Groupon and Living Social over a period of time.
Everyone knows the dreadful feeling of checking their bank account at the end of the month only to discover that last night at Homebar won’t exactly be a “leave it open” kind of night for your tab. Becoming a college student brings on all sorts of changes but the one I noticed the most was how to budget, especially in Dallas.
I am like any other girl at SMU, I like to get my nails done and go out for drinks on the weekends.
However, I noticed these luxurious outings were the reoccurring things draining my wallet. Highlights, pedicures, eyebrow waxes, and so on, it definitely all adds up. Over the past year I have found a small solution to this problem, or it at least leaves me with a little more wiggle room at the end of the month.
The answer is, Groupon and Living Social. These two sites have been the answers to my prayers.
For those of you who don’t know how each site works, they are a little different but overall have the same idea. Living Social is a bit newer than Groupon, and does not have the “now” feature that Groupon has.
Ultimately the sites have daily deals ranging from dining to carpet cleaning. There are deals for all occasions.
The “now” Groupon site is really what has saved me money. It features multiple restaurants and spas in the Dallas area and gives you a certain window of time to use the deal. It gives more options but in a smaller amount of time, so when I’m driving home from work I can get on Groupon find a restaurant listed that sounds good and purchase it. I usually save at least 50 percent, and I love the ones that are $5 for $10 worth of food because that usually covers my meal of choice.
“Eating out literally eats away at my wallet! I try to make sure I only eat out on the weekends and when I do I will look at Groupon or Living Social to see if there is a good deal. I also budget a certain amount of money for the week at the grocery store,” Kelly VanHee said.
A big money drain like I discussed earlier is luxury purchases, and both Groupon and Living Social have many to offer. Before a special occasion or sometimes just because, I will get onto the sites and find a deal for a manicure or pedicure and sometimes they aren’t there that day so I will have to wait until the next, but I usually come up with something.
Some may call it inconvenient, but it’s worth it to save myself the stress at the end of the month.
“I am a person who loves to get my nails done, and usually once every two weeks. It is just something I consider a priority. Groupon and Living Social have saved me so much money. They allow you to pamper yourself but without spending $50 each time,” Maggie Srygley said.
Highlights and haircuts are also necessities that are costly to a college student’s wallet. Those can easily be found as well, and save you anywhere from 50-90 percent.
Some may argue they don’t want to mess with these sites but would rather just purchase whatever it is they need without thinking. However, those with a smart phone can just download the apps for each of these sites and hand it over for the waiter or whomever to scan.
“Eating out literally eats away at my wallet! I try to make sure I only eat out on the weekends and when I do I will look at Groupon or Living Social to see if there is a good deal. I also budget a certain amount of money for the week at the grocery store,” Kelly VanHee said.
Most people subscribed to these deal sites are active and regular purchasers. According to Internet Retailer, “about two-thirds of daily deal subscribers had bought a deal within the previous 90 days, and 89% of those respondents had redeemed their vouchers during that time, the data show.”
“It’s hard for college students to deprive themselves from eating out especially with the schedules they run, they have no time to cook. Living Social and Groupon have introduced ways for students to save not only on eating out but other ways as well. I definitely advise every student to get an account and take advantage of these easy deals,” financial advisor Tate McMullen said.
Groupon and Living Social have saved my wallet from the fatal blows of big or small purchases, and have identified easy ways for me to save big.