The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


How much does an M.I.C. cost?

On August 16, 2008 at 12:06 a.m., SMU Officer Garrett Jordan told me that my M.I.C.(Minor in consumption: Class C misdemeanor) for a first time violator was the “equivalent of a speeding ticket” and should only cost about $140. Well let’s see:

If you get your violation before corral:

Minus 1 hour spent on being kicked out of Mustang Corral

Minus 1 hour spent talking to RLSH about not being able to live in housing

Minus 8 hours for 5 days, working to continue living in RLSH while not in Mustang Corral

-Two hours on phone with parents

SMU Conduct Hearing:

-One hour spent with liaison officer

-One hour spent finding corrected version of what liaison officer said

-Thirty minutes with conduct officer

Punishments from SMU

– Two hours on paper/2.5 hr for Alcohol Edu

– Ten hours community service/$100 fine

– One hour Alcohol/Drug Appointment + 30 min paperwork for it

-One hour on phone with parents about Parent Notification

Conduct reprimand on transcript for 4 years

Municipal Court

-Three hours finding or talking to lawyers

-If you get a lawyer- $750 to get off (maybe)


-One and a half hours in Municipal Court


-One hundred and fifty dollars for Drinking and Driving class

-Five dollar registration fee for class

-Eight hours for class on Saturday

-Two hundred and sixy-four dollars court fee

-Two months probation

So added together:

Total Cash = $519 dollars

Total Hours = 63.5 hrs (without paying lawyer)

If minimum wage is $7.50, 62.5 X 7.50= $476.25

Total Cost for M.I.C = $995.25

So hopefully SMU officers will now know the total cost for an M.I.C and inform violators correctly.

Greg Standerfer is a junior math and computer engineering double major. He can be reached for comment at [email protected].

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