This Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States began its newest term with its newest member, Associate Justice Elena Kagan. To celebrate this momentous event, I’ve put together a quiz of obscure Supreme Court trivia. All you avid Court-watchers out there should find this enjoyable; hopefully, some of you who don’t consider yourself constitutional enthusiasts will have some fun too.
1. Here’s a freebie from your high school history classes: Which early Chief Justice of the Supreme Court created for the Court the right of judicial review?
a. Thurgood Marshall
b. John Marshall
c. John Jay
d. Earl Warren
2. Which quality that President Obama said he’d found in Sonia Sotomayor did Republicans most object to at Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings?
a. Her anti-semitism
b. Her openness to all religious systems, including her brief experiment with Druidism during her time at Princeton
c. Her impeccable fashion sense
d. Her empathy
3.Which president tried to stack the Court by giving himself the power to appoint a bunch of new justices of his choosing?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. George H. W. Bush
d. George W. Bush
4. Did it work?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Who is the only former president to join the Court? (Hint: He didn’t get along too well with bathtubs.)
a. William Howard Taft
b. Calvin Coolidge
c. John F. Kennedy
d. Richard Nixon
6. Griswold v. Connecticut, one of the most important cases establishing the right to privacy on which Roe v. Wade would later be decided, was all about:
a. The environmental protection of groundhogs against the encroachment of a development firm in Hartford
b. The right of a small business to test its employees for drug use
c. The right of married people to use condoms
d.Whether or not a school can search its students’ lockers without just cause
7. Bonus: Which justice called the Connecticut law in question an “uncommonly silly law,” but not an unconstitutional one?
a. Hugo Black
b. Potter Stewart
c. Felix Frankfurter
d. William Rehnquist
8. Short answer: Write me at [email protected] to tell me your favorite Supreme Court case. Be creative. The best answer will get a shout out in my next column.
Thanks for playing. Hope you had as much fun as I did. If you did, I suggest seriously considering taking up a new hobby.
Nathaniel French is a senior theater major. He can be reached for comment at [email protected].
Answers: 1-B, 2-D, 3-B, 4-B, 5-A, 6-C, 7-A.