I am writing today to express my support for the views expressed by Barbara Kincaid in her commentary that ran Tuesday, Feb. 6, concerning the proposed George W. Bush Presidential Library and related Institute.
I, too, find it understandable that some will have concerns about associating with a president whose views and policies are considered by many to be controversial or incorrect.
That being said, however, I believe that it is safe to say that many in the University of Texas community found some of President Johnson’s views and policies – especially those connected to the war in Vietnam – to be controversial or incorrect; however, when I hear others speak of the LBJ Library, the commentary that I hear is that it is an impressive and important site that contributes much to an otherwise already vibrant academic community in Austin.
Keeping in mind the view that most historians maintain of President Hoover, I hear similar praise regarding the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and the contribution that it makes to the academic environment in Palo Alto.
In conclusion, I believe that it would be a tremendous mistake if SMU were to decide not to pursue the Bush Library project with utmost vigor.
If this library and institute are eventually located on the SMU campus, they will do much to bring credit to SMU and the City of Dallas.
Kyle Volluz J.D. ’97