The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Hate crime reflects poorly on SMU

Before coming to SMU, I was under the impression that students here lived in a bubble where everything was sturdy and safe. Everyone would be treated equally and hatred was a thing of the past. What I soon came to realize was that no matter where you go, ignorance and ill-willed people are always right around the corner.

We are never truly safe from crime, violence or hatred, especially in this “bubble” of ours. From human rights activists to international students, fine arts majors to business hopefuls, there truly is a diverse array of people on this campus. That being said, every student here has two things in common: we are all Mustangs and we chose to go to this university to graduate with an SMU degree.

In lieu of our recent hate crime and other debaucheries on campus, the amount of negativity being emitted is almost overpowering the vast amount of positivity and ingenuity taking place at SMU. I could go on and on about the ignorance and thoughtlessness that I see and experience every day, but what good would that do? Injustice and inequality are very much prevalent on this campus. Are you aware of this? If you are not, choose to be aware! Step out of your petty comfort zone and get to know others through their personality, not their clothes, not their cars, not their parents, but really and truly for what they stand for and believe in as individuals. I am writing today to remind you that whether you like it or not, you chose to attend this university. Whatever stereotypes have been branded on SMU have also been branded on you. Remember that for the rest of your life, SMU will be a part of your identity.

Racism and prejudices are two very hefty subjects that require much more discussion than an opinion article. In reality though, those two terms can be eliminated with one simple word: respect. It is your job as a member of society and the SMU community to form your own opinions and to respect the opinions of others. If I do recall, every Mustang was required to sign a Student Code of Conduct contract as first-years, agreeing to do so. According to section 3.14(a), “All members of the University community are protected from harassment, including, but not limited to, members according to their race, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and religion.”

You can either choose to accept others and do something about the wrong committed by the few on this campus, or continue pretending that the “bubble” keeps everything wrong away. I am embarrassed that a university that has invested so much time and money into building “World Changers” is still facing a student population with the inability to do as simple a task as respecting one another.

Some students came here to further their education for a better future. Some came to get a different life expereince. Regardless of why you are here, step up and be proud to be a Mustang! Make other people wish that they were a Mustang too!

You are only as strong as your weakest link and if one or two people continue to commit unnecessary hate crimes, SMU’s student population of 11,000 will be negatively branded by a select few. If you don’t have the courtesy to respect others as individuals, have the courtesy to uphold the values and expectations SMU has for each of its students. Have the courtesy to build a good image for a school that you chose to attend. Graduate knowing that you did something to make the name Southern Methodist University more than just a pretty name on a piece of paper. We are more than the negative things that happen on this campus. It’s time to prove that to the rest of the world.

Dang is a sophomore majoring in advertising.

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