The ‘metro’ man’s advantage
Meet the metrosexual man — he believes that manicures, chic fashion and killer hair are just as important as Monday Night Football.
What the hell is a “metrosexual,” you ask? According to British writer Mark Simpson who coined the term in 1994, a metrosexual is a straight man perceived to have the style, culture and personal grooming practices usually associated with gay men.
Simpson wrote, “The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are.”
Now, some guys may not be as extreme as the examples above, but we all have known or at least seen “metro” guys — the guy who is always put together, has perfect hair, teeth, skin and is always up to date on the fashion latest trends. One might assume he is gay, but then you find out he’s a total ladies man!
The metrosexual man is more sensitive to a woman’s wants and needs because he wants and needs the same things himself!
Senior Victoria Flores laughs, “I think metro guys are hot, but I prefer to date non metro men because I once dated this metro guy and then he started critiquing me and my fashion!”
First-year student Jamil Beard thinks “being a metrosexual guy is a great thing because we actually take care of ourselves and don’t dress and act like slobs.”
Sophomore Crystal McCullough said, “They make great shopping buddies, but they are a little too into their looks for me to date.”
Well, it doesn’t really matter what you believe; we all have to agree that the number of metrosexual men is on the rise.
Companies such as Neiman Marcus, L’Oreal and Gucci often tailor their advertisements to this group because they realize that metrosexuals are quickly growing to be their biggest consumers.
This new breed of man is slowly but surely changing the way women and even other “non metro” men think of the male gender.
Whitney Patterson is a sophomore CCPA major and can be reached at [email protected]