The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Spring break sayonara

Ed Board wishes everyone and happy and safe spring break

For the 17 people still on campus, Ed Board would like to proudly announce that spring break is finally here.

That most bacchanalian of weeks has arrived, and with it SMU students are traveling to the far corners of the globe to party, see family and make a difference. Some of us are even staying here. For all spring breakers, Ed Board has a few socially conscious tips to keep you and your friends safe, wherever you may go.

First, bring back souvenirs and a tan, but leave the STDs in Mexico. The CDC estimates that 19 million Americans are infected with an STD every year, and almost half that number is people under 24. Chlamydia, herpes and HIV are not diseases the health center can cure for you. There is no over-the-counter for AIDS.

To keep yourself and your partner safe, use a condom, which the health center does actually provide. If you don’t trust free condoms, buy them yourself. You can even get them with Pony in several locations – something Ed Board is sure your parents never thought their money would cover.

Once you have the condoms, use them! Keep a rubber with you when you party if you plan on seeking action or even if you don’t. A friend with a condom is a friend indeed.

A final note, don’t keep condoms in your wallets, guys. Preferably, they should be kept in a cool, dry place where they won’t get mangled like they do in a back pocket.

If you’re like Ed Board, you probably heard that “Wear Sunscreen” songs so many times around graduation that you would rather fill your ears with molten lead than listen to its trite advice again.

That being said, you really ought to wear sunscreen, regardless of whether you’re headed to the mountains or the beach. In 2002, a quarter of all melanomas were in people under 40. For women 20-35, melanoma is the second most common form of cancer, and the leading cause of cancer deaths. Nothing funny about that. Use an SPF of 15 at the bare minimum, even on cloudy days.

Did you go see the mangled car out by the flagpole this week? Ed Board did. The NHTSA estimates that an alcohol related crash happens every 32 minutes somewhere in the United States. The state of Texas has the second highest fatality rate for crashes of any state in the union, behind only Alaska.

Ed Board won’t make a mockery of itself by suggesting you not drink on spring break. However, reminding you of the dangers of drinking and driving is always a noble goal.

In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with drinking. The problem is with being stupid. Getting wasted and getting behind the wheel falls squarely into the stupid category.

So, go SMU, scatter! Take care of yourselves and Ed Board will see you after break.

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