An aggravated robbery took place in front of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house early in the morning on Friday, March 9. The student described the suspect as a heavy set black female in her late 20s, approximately 5 foot 8 inches tall.
According to the SMU police report, the female student left the Kappa house around 2 a.m. and walked to her car in Sorority Parking Lot 2. The suspect pulled up behind the student’s car where she proceeded to exit her vehicle from the front passenger door. The assailant, who was wearing a black ski mask and black clothing, pointed a small black handgun at the student and demanded her purse. The student noticed a cab approaching the intersection of Airline Road and Durham Street and she ran toward it.
Nothing was taken from the student and the suspect got back in her vehicle and fled the scene. The suspect vehicle drove westbound on Daniel Avenue. The car was a silver Dodge Neon. The victim noticed two other people in the car but was unable to describe them.
Junior Patricia Blount, a member of Delta Gamma and a house resident, saw the aftermath of the aggravated burglary when she returned home early Friday morning.
She described the scene saying there were about five police vehicles, a taxi and a lot of people. Blount said prior to the crime there was discussion about how the area is not well lit.
Blount said crime alert posters were placed on the front door of the Delta Gamma house as well as inside. Posters were also distributed throughout campus and placed in and around buildings.
The SMU police department urges anyone with information to come forward.