Student Senate approved a decision to fund The Stix’s trip to nationals Tuesday night.
The Stix is SMU’s first Indian dance team. The team was created two years ago and is now ranked sixth in the nation. After winning several local competitions, The Stix dance team was invited to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to compete against other dance teams from schools including Harvard, Duke and Princeton.
“SMU is known for its Greek life and the Bush library,” said Sowmya Rao, a member of the dance team. “I think publicity of our diversity would be a great asset to the reputation of SMU.”
Student Senate is funding the team $3,200.
In other business, Student Senate decided to approve two recommendations from the Organizations Committee.
The first recommendation granted probationary charter to the Robotics Club. The second recommendation granted full charter to Men with Integrity, a group of men and women striving to increase awareness about sexual assault.
A resolution was also passed that seeks to protect the rights of student organizations. Student Senate wants organizations to make decisions affecting their group according to their individual constitution and bylaws. This resolution follows a recent miscommunication between the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Student Affairs and Program Council.
Members of Student Senate discussed the school’s plan to renovate the third floor restroom in Hughes-Trigg. This is good news for the Muslim Student Association, which has been searching for improvements to their room designated for Wudu, a ritual washing before prayer. This is an opportunity for MSA to communicate its needs while a plan is still being developed.