Hippies don’t lie
Dear Editor:
I was amused at the photo in The Dallas Morning News ofthe “Hippies Lie” anti-Earth Day banner raised by theYoung Conservatives at SMU.
An SMU alumna myself with degrees in business and law, I havenever been called a “hippie,” yet I felt the sign wasdirected toward me and my fellow environmental advocates.
If the SMU Young Conservatives believe environmentalism isanathema to conservatism, they should consider the organizationRepublicans for Environmental Protection. Their motto is,”Conservation is Conservative.”
If they think environmentalism is anti-capitalist, they shouldconsider the concept of a sustainable industrial econom — itis described in Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next IndustrialRevolution by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and L. HunterLovins.
If the SMU Young Conservatives are interested in moving beyondname-calling to a civil debate on the issues, we at the DallasSierra Club will be happy to accommodate them.
Ann Drumm
Dallas Sierra Club Chair
YCT plans to be offensive
Dear Editor:
The Young Conservatives of Texas are offensive.
They make t-shirt slogans that talk about the mutilation ofliberals who are simply trying to save a couple of trees. They tellblacks that they should pay different prices from”racist” whites only because society is making anhonest effort at correcting past wrongs.
They hold closed meetings while discussing protesting theStudent Senate for insuring representation of certain minoritygroups. For three days straight they yelled at a young girl in acage for trying to stand up for human rights. There surely isnothing compassionate about their conservatism.
Yet, I think most people realize that the organization isgetting exactly what they want. Being offensive seems to be theonly possible goal YCT plans to meet. They brought national mediacoverage to our campus, but more importantly, to themselves. Theyyelled at Amnesty International because, why should they get tomake a big stink while their “bake-sale” was shutdown?
One of the Young Conservatives biggest victories at their”Hippies Lie!” protest was to know that The DallasMorning News was going to be covering them. Again, diligentcommitment to being offensive paid off: more glory for the groupmembers.
It would be more interesting, and better for the general public,if their goals were more in line with that of the university towhich is educating them. My charge to YCT is try to convince peopleyou’re right with something other than catch-phrases, funlogos and a really reactive attitude.
Jared G. Dovers
Philosophy and religious studies double major