The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

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The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Finance students gain career advice from industry pros

Panelists advise students to be open during job search

The Hegi Family Career Development Center hosted Careers in Finance for students of all majors to get a better understanding of what careers are offered in the world of finance.

The panel consisted of members from companies such as Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Frito Lay and Hartford. Panelists discussed information about their companies, gave students guidance about what to expect post-graduation and how to prepare for a career, no matter what their major is.

One of the main points each panel stressed was how important networking is. With social networks like Facebook, students have the ability to find out more information about various companies.

“You don’t want to go somewhere that won’t work for you,” said Sarah Soong, a panelist. Seniors were also encouraged to join the Alumni Association.

Panelists also stressed that students should be open with their job search and take jobs that may not be in their field of study. Students should look at taking jobs with non-profit organizations to build their leadership skills, before working for a large corporation. Working for a non-profit organization can also build presentation skills and teamwork ability.

According to panelist Josh Stapp, students should understand that their first job after graduation will not necessarily be their last job.

“Focus on that opportunity and not the ideal opportunity,” Stapp said.

The panelists all discussed how important it is for students to understand that when they graduate, they will not know what career path they want to take until they are in the corporate world, and have gained some experience in working with a company.

According to panelist Rudy Garza, having an MBA can set students apart when applying for jobs. He suggested students enroll in a full-time MBA program after receiving their undergraduate degrees. What can also set students apart from other prospective candidates is doing research on the companies they are interviewing for. This shows interest and determination in candidates, which will impress the interviewer.

“I want someone who is going to move forward,” Soong said.

She also noted that students should show intellectual curiosity and have a positive attitude. After an interview, hand writing a “thank you” note makes a candidate stand out.

Students may not believe there are job opportunities post-graduation with the struggling economy, but there are still companies who are hiring.

“With every great disaster comes great opportunity,” panelist Jason Devening said.

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