SMU students take part in a wing eating contest on the Mane Event stage Friday afternoon in front of Dallas Hall. Pluckers provided the wings. (Stuart Palley)
Students were treated to some early “Summer Lovin'” Friday in the Main Quad when Student Foundation sponsored the “Grease” themed Mane Event.
The Mane Event is a carnival-style end of the year celebration put on for students to welcome the end of classes and the nearing of summer break.
Classic cars from the ’50s, poodle skirts, old-fashioned diners and “Summer Nights” played by a live DJ all contributed to the event’s theme of “Grease is the Word.”
Students could enjoy a wide array of inflatable games including human foosball, human bowling, sumo-wrestling and inflatable slides. In addition to this, students could receive a caricature of themselves, pictures of them and their friends on buttons as well as henna tattoos. Free ice cream, sodas and burgers were available at Peruna’s diner.
Many students welcomed the event at the end of a hard week in lieu of studying as finals approach. One student, junior Kristin Mannino, said that it was a great opportunity to hang out with all of your friends before finals and summer break.
“This is a great way to blow of a little steam and have a good time with your friends before the heat of finals and everyone going their separate ways for the summer,” Mannino said.