The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Chelsea Handler visits North Texas, tours in characteristic style

Chelsea Handler on the red carpet this March. (Courtesy of Getty Images)

Friday evening was one for the books; the Verizon Theatere at Grand Prairie was lucky enough to host T.V. personality, Chelsea Handler.

Handler is on tour promoting her new book, “Uganda Be Kidding Me,” which was released earlier this March. Handler made her way to Houston Saturday, then to Austin, Texas, Sunday. She will stop in Miami Friday.

Texas welcomed the familiar face that can be seen on “E! News” and on bookshelves everywhere, to a stage on which the blonde ball-buster could showcase her humor in person.

Handler’s popular assistant, Chuy Bravo, was not in attendance for the show, but The Wild Wolf Band was. The two-man band of Josh Wolf and Jiffy Wild opened Handler’s show by singing in such a way that was a rather perfect setup for Handler; The Wild Wolf Band incorporated alcohol, sexual innuendo and profanity into their songs.

When Handler finally came on stage, she went straight to thanking Dallas, bringing up her new book and sharing photos from her iPad.

These photos were not for the Handler-unfamiliar; Handler’s breasts were casually on display in a sequence of travel photos and drunken photos, more than likely discovered days later.

There was also a photo displayed multiple times that is perhaps too graphic to mention here. Audience members could hardly handle it in person, as they covered their eyes with their hands each and every time Handler put the photo back up on the screens.

Handler’s standup act centered around the usual anecdotes of her sister and father, as well as her recent travels to Africa with her random assortment of friends. The majority of the characteristically crude monologue consisted of words that would perhaps be better kept to the bathroom or locker room.

Despite the jokes, whether they were teetering on the verge of racism or too much information, the audience was responsive to each and every one with outbursts of laughter.

There were the occasional few who left the auditorium only to return minutes later with a full drink, as well as the handful of elderly couples that quietly made their way out the doors for good. Oh, and the one person under the age of 21­­ ­–– or under 15, left with her mother to no surprise.

While not everyone enjoyed the show, a great majority of audience members were still in their seats at the show’s end.

Handler closed the show with a quick thank you and goodbye, as well as a running start off to the makeup book signing.

Handler posted a photo on Instagram that evening at midnight in a trademark pose: back on the ground, legs raised in the air and that signature open-mouthed grin.

What a night.

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