The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Pre-turkey withdrawl

Who cares about editorials?

Today might as well not exist. Everyone’s on a plane, in a car or already at home with family. Classrooms are as empty as the student section at home football games, and the BMWs have disappeared faster than financial aid in Perkins.

SMU officials should know better than to schedule classes on the day before Thanksgiving. Almost every professor has cancelled his classes because a) he realizes no one will come and/or b) he has a plane to catch, too.

This phenomenon isn’t exclusive to SMU, as any Longhorn, Aggie or Horned frog will tell you. Nationwide, silence fills lecture and residence halls.

Few students feel compelled to attend those classes that haven’t been cancelled, but doubtless, they’ll feel like schmucks when no one else (the professor excluded) shows up. Little Janie or Johnnie certainly won?t be made the fool twice and will leave early next fall, just like all the other students.

Now, if no one is at SMU to attend the class, who will read this editorial that Ed Board believes . . .

. . .

Aw, screw it.

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