Say goodbye to those uncomfortable run-ins with roommates.
Thanks to a new app, Uni Niche, roommates can stay updated with each other’s whereabouts with a free private timeline on their smartphones.
“We wanted to create something to make the experience of living with roommates in college even better than it already is,” Univeristy Niche CEO Jonathan Miller said.
Miller along with his two roommates, Sean Thielen and Chase Klitzner, created the app idea this summer as a spin-off of their existing Website University Niche, which links landlords and apartment owners to students. The app took the trio about a month to develop and perfect. Uni Niche’s main objective is to help roommates stay in touch, manage expenses and split bills.
“We came up with a list of common ‘statuses’ for roommates, including everything from ‘Chase is going to the grocery store’ to ‘Sean needs some ‘privacy,’” Miller said. “Sharing one of these statuses with your roommates is as easy as tapping a button.”
With Uni Niche, one roommate can publish what he is doing based on 16 icons and another can respond on the app with options like “seen this” or “taken care of this.”

“They have worked really hard to create an app to cater to… people who are looking to communicate with the click of a button and to easily manage payments between roommates,” said Jonathan Miller’s sister and SMU sophomore Katie Miller.
A unique feature of the app is its ability to add up and evenly split shared expenses. Users can also pay for these expenses through the app using a secure and encrypted transaction, allowing funds to be transferred from one roommate’s debit card to another.
“With the touch of a button I can tell my roommate Katie how much I spent on groceries,” Katie Miller’s roommate and sophomore Jessica Winter said.
“We have already used Uni Niche to pay each other back for Trader Joe’s and some dorm essentials,” Katie Miller said.
The pair has also used the app to meet up for lunch and dinner throughout the week. They found it especially helpful during move-in day.
“When things were incredibly hectic my roommate and I were able to communicate each other’s whereabouts and stay updated on the decorating process of our room,” Winter said.
The app is gaining traction on college campuses. According to Jonathan Miller, since the Uni Niche’s launching Aug. 25, the number of users continues to grow every day.
“We’ve seen some really good feedback from reviews in the app store, and we’ve had some people email us saying how helpful it’s been to them,” Jonathan Miller said.
Katie Miller and Winter foresee the app being used by many students here.
“I think Uni Niche could have a huge impact on SMU’s campus,” Katie Miller said.