The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Weekend washout

Ed Board disappointed by feigning interest in Mustang Stampede


Every year, the entire range of orientation and early-semesterevents continues to improve and broaden. The Office of New StudentPrograms found a winner with Week of Welcome’s Casino Party,and now, Program Council has continued the excellence with awell-planned and orchestrated Mustang Stampede. The coordinators,two of whom were woefully ignored after the comedy concert, wereundoubtedly working their tails off while most of the student bodywas still relaxing by the pool with a fruity drink. While everyevent may not have been a complete success, Program Council cannotbe blamed for most of the shortcomings, such as low attendance andhit-or-miss comedians. Thus, Ed. Board would like to congratulateeveryone involved for organizing and executing such a huge event.If only those pesky professors had not assigned so much work duringthe first two days, then we could have enjoyed the full array ofactivities.



Last weekend’s after events; “Taste of Dallas”after the comedian and the showing of “Troy” and partyin the press box after the Red vs. Blue scrimmage had poorattendance. Very poor attendance. The problem at “Taste ofDallas” was obvious, they didn’t have enough food tosatisfy those that attended, and so everyone left. The showing ofTroy was a little less obvious. Wouldn’t everyone want to seea major motion picture on the Jumbotron? Not necessarily, theresolution (quality) of the picture wasn’t DVD quality, itwasn’t even TV quality. The poor showing of Troy most likelydrove away those who would have liked the press box party. As itwas, there were more staff members than students present for aparty with a DJ and free food.



The reception afforded to Al Berman, a tagalong of JamieKennedy’s, who provided the opening act, was trulyreprehensible and a poor display of immaturity. Granted, thecomedian was absolutely awful, failing to register even theslightest chuckle from anyone in attendance (what was the point ofthe whole John Kerry thing, anyway?). And yes, perhaps the decorumof a comedy concert is not analogous to a Tate Lecture. However,loudly castigating the lackluster comic was still inappropriate.His performance certainly did not warrant an enthusiastic ovation,but he did nothing to deserve the personal insults that flew fromthe balcony. How did the coordinators of the event feel afterhearing the disapproval of their audience? As an editorial board,we encourage the freedom to express opinions, so perhaps ourthoughts are hypocritical, but it seems that shouting expletiveswas not the most intelligent and mature method of voicingdispleasure.

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