The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Display of drunkeness

Root beer kegger shows that alcohol is not the main ingredient for fun

There is a saying that says a picture is worth a thousand words. For a couple of high school kids in Wisconsin, some pictures were worth the big game. For some others, it is a few hundred thousand hits on YouTube.

School officials at a Wasau, Wis., high school saw a group of student athletes in pictures holding plastic red cups. The officials assumed the cups were filled with alcohol. But we all know what happens when you assume. The students in the pictures were then suspended from participating in school-sponsored athletic events.

Following the suspension, fellow students threw a raging kegger. Probably not the best idea right after your friends have gotten in trouble for drinking, unless your keg is filled with A&W instead of Keystone Light.

The high school students who attended the party made noise, parked their cars up and down the street and played beer pong with Coke and Sprite.

Police were called to the scene of the party after someone in the neighborhood complained about cars blocking the roadways. Officers administered Breathalyzer tests to dozens of the partygoers, but not one of them tested positive for alcohol.

The students filmed their friends taking the tests and put it on YouTube for the entire world to see that kids can get together and have fun without getting drunk – even if it looks like they are.

There is no doubt that the school made a mistake in its assumption that the students in the pictures were drinking alcohol. Ed Board is going to go out on a limb here and guess that they probably were, in fact, boozing it up, but a picture is no proof that an activity occurred.

We applaud the root beer keg party organizers for their action – more often than not, apathetic high school kids would have just said a few four-letter words about their school’s administration and forgotten about the whole thing. Putting their story on YouTube shows other high school students (and college students, too!) that beer is not always the main ingredient for a fun time at a party.

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