During finals season there is the possibility of watching the sunrise after a long night of homework, studying or writing. Yes, I’m talking about the dreaded all-nighter.
But never fear SMU students. The Daily Campus staff has stayed up many times for 24, 48, 72 hours and, through these experiences, has found the best tips and tricks for surviving long nights without sleep.
1. Pack snacks
Staying awake for over 24 hours will make you hungrier than ever, even more than you were on Thanksgiving waiting for that odd lunch-dinner meal. Snacks are key to making it through the night. I recommend a combination of healthy and unhealthy food: apples, crackers, cereal and a Snickers bar, because “you aren’t you when you’re hungry.”
2. Drink lots of water
You are going to be dehydrated after drinking the necessary coffee and energy drinks to get you through that 3 a.m. slump. Remember to drink lots of water even if you don’t feel thirsty. It will get your body going and help you feel more energized and focused throughout the night.
3. Shower
This is an odd tip, but I truly believe it is key to staying alert and awake all night long. Showering at around 5 a.m. gives you a moment to recollect your thoughts and zone out for a bit. Plus, the jump from warm water into the cool air wakes you back up and makes you feel refreshed and clean. When you’re in the bathroom, brush your teeth too. Friends and teachers will thank you.
4. Do not “power nap”
Do not, I repeat do not, try to “power nap.” If you have enough work that requires an all-nighter than this will only harm you. That little five-minute snooze will quickly turn into a three-hour nap and then you’ll be scrambling last minute and stressing out even more than you already were.
5. Listen to pump-up music
This will get you through the rough hours of 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. Play some upbeat music and dance a little in your seat. It will help keep your eyes open and make you smile when you want to cry staring at the page count on your screen.
6. Move around
Every hour or two stand up and take a lap. Be it around the library, around the block or throughout your house, just get moving. I know for a fact you have been sitting for too long and that your legs are begging to be used. Get the blood flowing; maybe it’ll give a new idea or jog your memory.
7. Mind over matter
The key to surviving an all-nighter is believing that you can survive an all-nighter. Many of us have been in your shoes and we made it through. You can do. We believe in you.