Attention all spring breakers, Mardis Gras gurus and collegiatepartiers, makers of the controversial “Girls Gone Wild”series debuted their “Guys Gone Wild” counterpart withthree new DVDs July 13, making girls the spectators — not thestars.
“Guys Gone Wild,” “Guys Gone Wild: SpringBreak” and “Guys Gone Wild: Frat Guys” werereleased by Mantra Entertainment after filming this spring break ata few well-known hot spots, such as South Padre, Texas and Cancun,Mexico.
According to Caroline Choate, an SMU junior from Nashville,Tenn., a “Guys Gone Wild” series is the onlyegalitarian path for Mantra Entertainment to take.
“I like the idea of the male version, because I think the‘Girls Gone Wild’ series is degrading to women in thefirst place,” Choate said. “So I’m glad thecompany is doing this so girls can get a little even.”
Whereas both series feature drunken college kids exposing theirgoodies for the camera, the new version is different in one majoraspect.
Unlike the female version, the all-male DVDs will show nohomosexual activity, which according to Bill Horn, director ofpublic relations for Mantra, would be unattractive.
“We can discuss sexuality until we’re 150 yearsold,” said Horn. “But girl-on-girl action is consideredsexy by heterosexual men. [Guy-on-guy], however, simply isn’tsexy in our society — and that’s just thereality.”
Since “Girls Gone Wild” was released seven yearsago, the company has produced 83 titles, sold more than 4.3 millionvideos and DVDs and grossed more than $100 million according to aMantra Entertainment profile from
Although the commercial success of “Girls Gone Wild”is well established, the “Guys Gone Wild” version hasyet to prove itself.
According to, the male series”features totally uncensored hunks that you’ll want towatch again and again.”
But have real life girls actually enjoyed the DVDs ifthey’ve watched one or more? And if they haven’t, willgirls like the films?
Horn asserts that not only is the “Gone Wild” seriesa cultural phenomenon, but also that Mantra expects to sell largenumbers of the “Guys Gone Wild” DVDs.
“But we’re not delusional,” Horn continued.”We don’t ever expect to outsell the ‘Girls GoneWild’ DVDs, but we fully intend to sell millions of the‘Guys’ DVDs.”
But the question still stands: What do real-life girls thinkabout “Guys Gone Wild?”
The Daily Campus decided to ignore the hype and go directly tothe source for reliable answers, convincing four seeminglyopen-minded SMU girls to review “Guys Gone Wild: FratGuys.”
With reactions ranging from shy awkwardness and covering facesto hysterical laughter and pointing fingers, the girls reached oneconcrete conclusion: To them, the film is in no way sexuallyappealing.
When first convened to view the film, none of the girls knewwhat to expect. And as soon as the erotic behavior began, the girlsdidn’t know what to think.
At one point, a surprisingly articulate southern guy wasconvinced to shave his chest, stomach and pubic region in theshower — curtain open — and while doing so, he spokeopenly about his mother with the girls working the camera.
Maura Connelly, a junior from Chicago, was nothing less thanflabbergasted at the oddness of the situation.
“Does anyone else find anything wrong with a guy standingnaked in a shower talking about his mom?” Connelly asked theother girls.
Choate, along with Erika Ashley, a junior from Atlanta, agreedwith Connelly’s sentiments.
“He’s shaving his stomach,” said Choate.”That’s so girly. Guys shouldn’t shave anythingbut their faces.”
“This is really weird,” Ashley added. “Ew. Whyam I watching a guy [do this?]”
Although the girls didn’t think of the movie as anythingmore than an unrefined source of humor, all four found it inthemselves to sympathize with one guy’s manhood — orlack thereof.
“I’m such an [expletive],” said Ashley.”But that’s sad.”
“Aw,” Choate added. “Why would he allowhimself on a video like that?”
“[The girls behind the camera] are just making fun ofhim,” Connelly said. “They’re like, ‘Showme how small your penis is.’ I feel bad for him.”
So what were the girls’ overall reactions to “GuysGone Wild: Frat Guys?”
Hilarity lacking sexuality.
According to Choate, just because she was willing to watch themovie, doesn’t mean she has any intention of purchasingone.
“If a friend of mine had a DVD, I’d definitely watchit. But I wouldn’t waste my money on it,” said Choate.”It’s just funny to watch. I mean, who takes stuff likethat seriously?”
According to Carter Asbill, a junior from Atlanta, the moviecame across as more produced than she had anticipated, alluding tothe “Girls Gone Wild” series.
“It was a lot more setup than I thought it wouldbe,” she said. “But then again, guys can’t justflash their boobs at Mardis Gras like girls can.”
Ashley summed up the evening with one simple statement:”It was hilarious — so funny.”
So what’s in store for Mantra Entertainment in thefuture?
According to Horn, the “Gone Wild” name is becomingan entertainment field of its own.
“We’ve already released a “Girl GoneWild” CD, we plan on opening a restaurant chain a la Hootersand we’re currently in negotiations with a large productioncompany to film a fictionalized “Girls Gone Wild”movie,” said Horn.
“Guys Gone Wild” DVDs can currently be purchasedonline or in select stores for $19.99.