Put your life where your vote is
The following is a request for those students and othersplanning to vote for George W. Bush: Enlist in the U.S.military.
Voting for Bush all but guarantees the further expansion of U.S.troops already stretched beyond dangerously thin. As if thisweren’t scary enough, we have reached and exceeded theshameful pinnacle of 1,000 troops lost in battle.
The fact that the military is stretched thin clearly shows thatthere are more people who do not want to fight in this war thanones who do. And yet, at SMU there is great support for theRepublican Party and specifically President Bush.
There are strong arguments for and against reinstating a draft.Supporters of the draft often cite the honor in fighting for thefreedom of fellow Americans. Supporters of the draft say that thereis no greater sacrifice than to give one’s life so thatothers may be secure.
It is truly awe-inspiring to think that so many coalition troopshave died in the desert so that we can sit in over-air conditionedclassrooms in the lovely University Park, secure in the knowledgethat Saddam is locked away someplace and the Iraqi people havesovereignty. Well, sort of.
Supporters of the draft argue that Americans should have toserve their country for the freedom they have and the security astrong military ensures.
Let’s say there is a young man named Fred. Fred is in lovewith Jill and is willing to do absolutely anything for her. Is sheobligated to return his affection? Is she obligated to go to anylengths for him just because of the security he is willing to offerher out of the goodness of his heart? That is essentially what thevolunteer troops are doing when they enlist.
Volunteer troops give every American the promise of freedom,even if it costs them their lives. But not every eligible Americanhas to enlist. It is absolutely possible to support the troops andnot the war.
Many young Americans, including many SMU students, are eligibleto enlist but do not. They support the war against terrorism, butthey are not lining up to fight it. They are willing to vote forthe president who is sending these men and women to fight, butunwilling to join these volunteers in battle.
Here is the challenge to all the young Republicans on thiscampus and elsewhere: Put your life where your vote is.
Rori Harrington is a senor journalism major. She may bereached at [email protected].