The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Fight for your rights

Brawl with Texas Tech unpleasant, but certainly not unnecessary

Ed Board would like to thank Head Coach Phil Bennett forlighting a fire under the Mustangs’ collective asses. Afterputting up the best performance the team has shown in the recentpast, Bennett stood up for his team in a way that should make anyuniversity proud.

With less than 30 seconds left in the game, Texas Tech made anunsportsmanlike move, attempting to run up the score. It seemed asthough Tech’s tough-guy Head Coach Mike Leach wanted nothingmore than to salvage his wounded pride after the Mustang defensehad given his usually high-powered offense all they could handle,all game. His Red Raiders failed on four attempts against the Ponydefense.

In the past, our Mustangs might have just accepted the fact thatan opponent was trying to embarrass the team. But thanks to CoachBennett, this year’s players didn’t just duck andcover. They stood up for themselves, the fans and the dignity ofour school. Bennett’s confrontation with Leach at the end ofthe game sparked a three-minute brawl between the two teams. Thescuffle resided with the crowd unanimously chanting”S-M-U!!!” and proudly cheering for the team that, evenin defeat, still went down swinging.

While Ed Board doesn’t condone violence, in this instance,Bennett and our team showed that they were serious about therebuilding process of a football program that is clearly on theupswing.

As for Texas Tech, Ed Board concurs with coach Bennett as he asquoted in Sunday’s The Dallas Morning News:”You’ll get your [expletive] kicked when you get intothe Big 12.” Ed Board predicts that “Trailer TrashUniversity” (to quote a few SMU students this weekend) andfifth-year senior starting quarterback Sonny Cumbie will have arude awakening this season against powerhouses like the Universityof Texas, Oklahoma University and even next week’s battleagainst the University of New Mexico.

The Mustangs have a lot to be optimistic about for the rest ofthe season. Saturday’s game let all of the SMU-faithful knowthat the team is serious about winning. Bennett deserves a lot ofcredit for the turnaround. His determination and dedication to makeSMU a solid program once again was apparent Saturday and deservesrecognition.

Now the only thing left is to get that first win, so look out,Horned Frogs. Ed Board hopes to see everyone in Fort Worth thisSaturday.

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