Student Senate Membership Committee Chair Mitchell London andSenate Chief of Staff Kylie Slater met with more than 30 first-yearstudents interested in participating in student government Tuesdayevening at a mandatory campaign meeting.
First-years interested in running for a seat in Student Senate,for first-year president and for first-year council attended themeeting to sign up for ballot spots and learn exactly what theirfuture responsibilities will be, if elected.
Student Body President Chip Hiemenz welcomed the first-years andcomplimented them on taking the first step toward being involved oncampus. Student Body Vice President Liz Healy, also in attendance,echoed the president’s sentiments by lauding thefirst-years’ ability to take initiative. The first-years willbe competing for only four seats on the Student Senate, andSecretary Gabe Travers advised them to not be discouraged if theydo not win the election. Regardless of the elections’outcomes, “You should really get involved in your studentexperience,” he suggested.
London explained the campaign and election process, makingreference to several important rules. According to the 2003Election Code, students running for a first-year senator seat,first-year president and first-year class council candidates havelimits on how much they can spend.
London also emphasized the importance of voting, citing the Website address for the elections (