The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


College vs. Kindergarten

 College vs. Kindergarten
College vs. Kindergarten

College vs. Kindergarten

Remember the good ‘ole days of kindergarten? Little girlshad ridiculous ‘80s hair-dos with obnoxious bows, and boysthought all girls had cooties. You were young and carefree andcould wear whatever you wanted without being out of style.

In grade school it was common to hear the classic,”circle, circle, dot, dot, now I’ve got a cootieshot!” And the age-old comeback, “circle, circle,square, square, now I’ve got it everywhere!”

Those were the days…

Now your voice has changed, you grew breasts (only forgirls… hopefully) and you worry about your appearance.

However, college is more like the good ‘ole days than youthink.

• You’re so focused on getting from point A to pointB (regardless if point B is class or a booty call), you cross thestreet without looking for cars.

• Remember snack time? In college it’s a must. Be ita power bar, candy bar or a smoothie, snack-time is essential tocollege life.

• Naptime is a necessity. Within your first week ofcollege, napping slips its way back into your schedule. Some peopleactually plan their schedules around naptime. It’s notuncommon to hear someone say, “Oh, man, I can’t go tolunch. I have to take a nap.”

• Cartoons are cool again! Granted, they’re on lateat night instead of Saturday mornings, but you actually pick up onthe adult jokes and, in some cases (i.e. “Aqua Teen HungerForce”), it’s funnier to watch them in an altered stateof mind.

• It’s okay to bundle up in mismatched clothes thatmake you look like a sumo wrestler on steroids in the middle ofwinter, because everyone else looks just as stupid as you. Oh,wait, this is SMU… scratch that one.

• You learn to appreciate the simple pleasures in life,like the grilled cheese sandwich. Not that I’m promotingcafeteria food, but Hugo makes a mean grilled cheese.

• Although we don’t get much of it at SMU, it’scompletely legitimate to play in the snow. I recall having asnowball fight in the south area parking lot behind McElvaney myfirst year. In the event classes are cancelled, the quads fill withstudents playing hide-and-seek while throwing snowballs atpasser-bys. Hey, it’s a great excuse for not catching up onyour class work.

• Although video games are now quite different from thepixilated Duck Hunt and Mario Brothers, they remain incrediblyfascinating. As the college years go by, the games get more andmore amusing, or maybe that’s just the… nevermind.

• In kindergarten your mom or dad might have read you abedtime story or given you a bottle if you were one of”those” kids. In college you take comfort in adifferent type of bottle to help you fall asleep.

Remember to take consolation from the simple pleasures in life.Beware! The work world is just around the corner.


Veronica Terefenko is a senior journalism major and managingeditor of The Daily Campus. She can be reached [email protected].

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