Student Senate approved funds for the SMU Cricket Club and theenvironmental committee during Tuesday afternoon’smeeting.
The finance committee recommended funding $1,280 for the cricketclub. Senate voted to uphold the committee’s recommendationunanimously. The club will use the funds for uniforms, equipmentand preparations for an upcoming inter-university crickettournament to be held during fall break.
Senate also unanimously passed a bill to fun $400 for aBoulevard recycling program managed by the environmental committee.The total amount requested by the legislation changed, increasingfrom $358 to $400, after the environmental committee decided to uselonger-lasting plastic receptacles instead of card-board boxes. Thecommittee will use 30 trashcans labeled with laminated signs aroundThe Boulevard to collect mixed recyclable goods.
In new business, the appropriations committee presented anotherfinancial request from the SMU Cricket Club for $280 to be used forcertified referees for the fall break tournament. Senate will voteon whether to uphold the upcoming committee recommendation nextweek.
Also on the floor for next week is a bill authored by StudentBody Secretary Gabe Travers to fund $249 for 1,000 brochuresdetailing the various avenues students and student organizationscan pursue to find funding at the university.
Student Body President Chip Hiemenz encouraged senators to signup for the upcoming Crain Leadership Conference. Students canattend workshops at the conference to enhance their leadershipskills.
All the student body officers asked members of Student Senate tokeep Garrett Haake, a student injured during the post-gamecelebration Saturday night, in their prayers as he remains in thehospital in guarded condition.
On the Docket
Next week
• A bill to fund $249 for 1,000 funding brochures