Have some laughs
So I was at Chick-fil-A reading the factoids on the side of thekids’ meal bags, and I found out that kids laugh about 400times a day, while adults average only 15 times a day. That wasprobably one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard besides acover of an already bad song, like “Achey BreakyHeart.”
Laughter — what I believe to be the cure-all. Maybethat’s why I write the way I do, as much as I do. If nothingelse, it’s to humor myself so I get my 400 laughs in.
I’ve got a friend with the most amazing laugh you haveever heard. You could hear it from yards away, and you would knowit was her.
Walk it off? I say laugh it off.
What better way to get some laughs from everyone than to makefun of our rival school? There were some T-shirts printed a coupleof years ago that couldn’t have been more concise, more bluntabout the way we feel about our rivals than “TCUsucks.” That’s just as good as “We’re notsnobs. We’re just better than you.”
Who trekked all the way to Fort Worth to see that match up? Isure did, and it was great to see such a huge mass of red in ourdesignated section. I got nauseous after walking around in a sea ofpurple. It felt like I was immersed in cough syrup, and not onlythat, it looked like someone had skinned Barney and made apparelout of him.
I’m just curious as to how they came up with their mascot.I’ve never even seen a horned toad. Or is it a frog? Itdoesn’t matter. They’re both hideous-looking things.Even a gecko or a salamander would have made a better mascot.Still, my rule is if it’s small enough to step on, thenit’s not a mascot — it’s a logo.
It felt incredibly awkward being on the TCU campus. It was likea semi-parallel universe where everything was just a twistedversion of SMU. I didn’t know Flash also came in purple. Letme tell you, it was the strangest thing. And a TCU bookstore? Ididn’t think TCU done did their learnin’ from them darnbooks out in Cow Town.
I can deal with the pink polo, but I don’t know aboutpurple. If you try to flip the collar up, it looks like the upperportion of some superhero’s cape. And purple doesn’t goquite as well with plaid golf shorts.
Their horned frog hand gesture is a bad version of our ponyears. If they allow their fingers to stay in that form too long,their finger muscles just might permanently stay constricted.It’s kind of like crossing your eyes. If you do it too long,they just might stay crossed.
I’ll give it to them for having Billy Bob’s. Butthat’s about all they’ve got. It’s a fun place,nonetheless.
I love being a Mustang. And I love the pride that we have in ouralma mater and the value we add to our community. Nowhere else willyou find the Mustang Eleven or Mustang Corral. I like the idea ofstampeding into our stadium before football games. I like singingThe Varsity before and after our games and circling our handsoverhead for the number of years we’ve been Mustangs. Iwouldn’t have it any other way. Life is just better at SMU.Go Mustangs!
Ann Truong is a senior math and electrical engineering doublemajor. She may be contacted at [email protected].