The Middle Eastern Student Association is hosting Day for Gaza on Wed. 17 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in an attempt to open American eyes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict overseas.
The height of the conflict took place in December 2008 in Israel. Roughly 400 children and more than 1000 civilians died. Lina Mattar, president of the Middle Eastern Student Association, said the media in the U.S. tends to demonstrate the issue from the Israeli point of view, giving little voice to the Palestinian refugees. Day for Gaza will present the alternative Palestinian point of view.
The event, which will take place in the Hughes-Trigg Commons, will offer artwork from an artist who captures a visual representation of the conflict, as well as three guest speakers at noon.
One of the speakers will explain widely misunderstood differences between Jews and Zionists. The speakers will also address effects of the Gaza War, such as distressed children urinating on themselves.
Mattar said her interests in this issue does not stem from wanting to represent her people, solely because “it’s a humanitarian event.” Those involved “haven’t done anything to deserve this.”
MESA began last semester and currently holds a temporary charter. The organization hopes to establish itself in the future within the SMU community and gain a permanent charter.