Ugg Boots not so ugly
With fall break behind us, we must all now come to terms withthe fact that it is no longer summer.
Not even in Dallas.
While it’s not exactly sleeting or snowing yet, it iscertainly not bathing suit weather anymore.
This explains the recent sightings of the well-known and highlyinfamous Ugg boots.
While most of the guys are probably groaning at the mere mentionof these “ridiculous” boots, others are sitting inclass waiting to see if they become another fashion faux pas.
Don’t worry.
I really like them. In fact, I have a pair of tallcognac-colored Uggs in my closet. However, like many fashiontrends, it is all up to circumstance in which the Uggs must beworn.
SMU women, I am giving you full permission to wear theseNanook-of-the-North sheepy ski boots. But only because it isofficially after fall break, and the weather has beencompliable.
Since I am obviously biased on this situation [considering I owna pair], I decided to ask around, gathering opinions of whetherthese were totally Ugg-ly or somewhat acceptable.
“I thought they were cool before they were‘cool,'” said Katie Littlefield, a junioradvertising major.
“But now,” she said, “they’re too muchof a fad. My mom’s had them since the ‘90s.”
“I think they’re ugly. They look like Eskimoboots!” said Adam Robertson, a senior marketing major. Mostguys agreed with Robertson, not understanding what the hoopla isall about.
“They’re about as cool as the WNBA,” said RossSpencer, a senior finance major. “They suck prettybad.”
The impracticality of the heavy boots, especially in Dallas, isway over most guys’ heads.
“It’s pretty bleeping ridiculous when girls wearthem in the summer,” said Chris Faulkner, a senior businessmajor.
It’s apparent that the real problem and misunderstandingbetween fashion and “bleeping ridiculous” occurs whenthe thermometer hits above 90 degrees, and girls are pairing theboots with mini skirts.
Ugg Australia was started over 30 years ago in response to ademand from surfers down under. The surfers originally tiedsheepskin to their legs after getting out of the water, initiallycalling them “ugly boots” and shortening the fabricatedproduct to Ugg. Sheepskin naturally warms and adjusts to thewearer’s body, creating instantaneous comfort.
Needless to say, Ugg has made its mark on celebrities andMustangs alike. It is still the difference of opinion and stylethat is to be determined.
“I have them, and I love them,” said MeredithMcGrath, senior sociology major.
“They’re so comfortable, and so warm. You can easilymake an outfit more interesting, or even more casual. It’slike walking on air.”
I will be totally biased here and fully agree with McGrath. Iordered my pair from Victoria’s Secret magazine [yes,they’re legit] in June, and they were on backorder until themiddle of August. Because it has been so hot here, I refused towear them yet.
Don’t be afraid to wear your Ugg boots, but only if youdon’t mind some raised eyebrows from both boys and girls. Andtake good care of them, because although they have the potential tolast decades, you shouldn’t wear them in pouring rain. Ifyou’re going to wear them in the snow, make sure it’sonly virgin. [That means that there is no salt in the snow, whichis used to protect cars from slipping on the roads, for all youSoutherners].
Hill Fischer is a senior English major. She can be reached [email protected].