Do you have your own business? Apply for the regional Entrepreneur’s Organization’s Global Student Entrepreneur Awards.
Student entrepreneurs that apply will get the chance to showcase their businesses at the awards event at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 16 in Dallas Hall. SMU was chosen by the Entrepreneur Organization (EO), to host the event. The event is open to the public.
To be eligible for the award competition, students must be:
- full-time students in a university or a college
- the owner, founder, or controlling shareholder of their company
- the student-owned company must have generated a minimum of $500
- student companies must have been operational for the past six consecutive months
Applications close Monday, Nov. 2.
Students will be able to meet industry leaders, network, and even win the chance to compete in the U.S. finals in Miami and the world finals in Bangkok, Thailand.
Jessica Nunez, member of the EO, said SMU has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and was a natural fit as this year’s host for the regional GSEA. With all of the learning opportunities available at this event, Nunez encourages students to go for it.
“Don’t worry about winning, just apply,” Nunez said.