The Office of Public Affairs and Brainstorm, a Dallas design firm, have created a new face for SMU. The new face – the SMU Web site – has been in the making since last fall and has recently hit the Web.
“It was time to put on a fresh look,” said Gary Shultz, director of Web communications. The old Web site had existed for about two and a half years and was not up to par with current technological advances, Shultz said.
“It’s much improved from the old site,” said Aren Cambre, SMU Web developer. The old Web site lacked correct HTML code and was difficult to keep updated. The new and updated Web site uses correct HTML code and “was carefully thought-out by a team of professionals who are experienced,” Cambre said.
Appearances aside, the Web site was redone to meet governmental regulations.
The new Web site meets Section 508 compliance of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, which emphasizes easy accessibility for the visually-impaired.
The new site features students on the main Web page.
Students’ pictures intended for other SMU publications were selected for the site.
“I was surprised,” mentioned Mehul Patel, a sophomore business major. Patel was photographed last summer for a prospective student brochure. Patel did not appear in the brochure, but can now be seen by any online visitor.
“I received no warning that they would put me on the Web site, but I didn’t mind,” Patel said.
Students have mixed reviews toward the new site. In an informal survey of 30 students, 50 percent favored the new design, while the other 50 percent preferred the old Web site. Students mentioned that one of the main drawbacks of the new Web site is difficulty retrieving data. Shultz welcomed student input and will take into account suggestions towards improvement.
The new Web site is still in development and will continue to expand. Although no SMU schools are required to change to the new design, Shultz said his office is available for those schools ready for an online update. The total cost of the renovation has not yet been determined.