Outraged at athleticsdepartment
The move by the administration to cut SMU Track andField is the latest indication of the sorry state that ourathletic department is in. Cutting a world-class program thatbrings positive recognition to SMU to solve a budget deficitcaused by football and basketball expenditures and lowattendance in those sports is the most uncreative andlimited solution imaginable.
The university has not made fan support for track and fieldpossible on campus; they have not provided regulation track andfield facilities where our athletes can perform in front of ahome crowd. If our track athletes did have a home field, I am suremany people from the Dallas and SMU community would comeout to watch the Olympians that our program now attracts. If thisprogram is cut, shame on the athletic department.
Bringing in a country club sport like equestrian that generateszero revenue to satisfy Title IX at the expense of a top10-title contender is an outright injustice.
Where the heck is that $200,000 we are saving in travel forbeing a part of Conference USA going? Probably right back tofootball.
Andrew Novak
Law Student