Football, free pizza, and live music sounds like a great planfor a party.
And even if the preceding situation is not the ideal socialgathering for some, odds are that most college-age students canhave a good time with one of the three.
One Night will be an evening focused on drawing in students notusually involved in religious campus activities at 7 p.m. onWednesday in McFarlin Auditorium.
Head of public relations for the event Kate Wilkinson, creditsjunior Richard Cray for inventing One Night.
“He desired to bring a relevant, fun, and Christian eventto SMU that appeals to people who normally would not attend anon-campus Christian ministry,” Wilkinson said.
The event will feature Dallas Cowboys quarterback Quincy Carterand an interview by local pastor Todd Wagner.
“Quincy will talk about his faith in God and the struggleshe’s faced as a professional quarterback for the NFL,”Cray said.
One Night will also feature the band Shane and Shane, andhip-hop artist The Ambassador.
The musical festivities have many students looking forward tothe event.
“I can’t wait to see Shane and Shane,”first-year Melissa Tucker said. “We play their music in ourroom all the time.”
Some students are looking forward to mingling with a diversegroup of students, brought together to share the common bonds ofChristianity, Cray said.
“I want to get to know people from the Christiancommunity,” sophomore business and Italian-area studiesdouble-major Andrea Brodsky said.
“It’s going to be a good time.”
The program raised $17,000 through donors such as Omni Hotelsand other private donors.
“It’s been neat to see the different organizationsand ministries work together and receive so much support from thecommunity,” Cray said.
Admission is free and pizza will be served.
For more information on One Night, students can email KateWilkinson or Rich Cray at [email protected].