Student Body Officer ElectionsLyndsey Hummert
As part of their application for student body president, vice president and secretary, candidates have been allowed to write commentaries detailing their platforms. Today’s commentaries are written by students campaigning for the office of vice president. Officer elections occur Feb. 26 – 27. Don’t forget to vote!
My name is Lyndsey Hummert, and I am running for Student Body Vice President. From the moment I set foot on SMU’s campus, I have loved it here. I have made lifelong memories and friendships, many of which have come from my involvement in student activities. So far at SMU I have been involved with Leadership Consultant Council as the 2002 Crain Leadership Conference Chair, Student Senate as the 2002-2003 Membership Chair, Orientation as a 2002 AARO Leader and a 2002 Mustang Corral Leader. In addition, I am also an active part of the greek community and am currently serving as Vice President of Programming for Program Council. I believe that the skills I have developed in these positions and my natural tendency to be a hard-working, dedicated leader make me qualified to be your next Student Body Vice President.
Diversity is a very important issue on SMU’s campus. As a member of the University Admissions Council, I was surprised to learn how much the admissions office already does to recruit a more diverse student population. I think that it would be beneficial to have a diversity forum for SMU students in which open lines of communication can be developed between the students and the admissions department. If diversity is as important as we students say it is, then it is time for us to step up to the plate and find new, innovative ways to recruit a more diverse population.
I also think that SMU needs to increase its scholarship opportunities for its students. Too many potential students are lost because SMU does not give enough academic scholarships, and too many quality students leave this school because many of the scholarships that are awarded do not increase at the same rate as tuition. A dramatic change in scholarships cannot occur overnight, and after the recent tuition forum that Student Senate conducted, it is obvious that scholarship changes may not even be in the near future. Nonetheless, I feel that if change is desired for the future, proper research through the office of financial aid must be conducted now.
Additionally, I think that campus safety needs to be improved. In asking students to fill out the Student Senate Pound the Pavement Survey, I found that a large number of students feel that more campus lighting is needed. More important than additional lighting, however, is keeping the current lighting in working order. While I agree with the SMU Police Department that student safety should always come before property safety, I think that it is imperative that the Senate work closely with the police department to improve safety in the parking lots and garages.
As I said before, I love SMU and want nothing more than to give back to the school that has given me so much. If elected your next Student Body Vice-President, I will work tirelessly to make SMU a better community for all of us, and I will make a difference. Vote Lyndsey Hummert for Student Body Vice President!