The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Student Body Officer ElectionsKyle Hiemenz

Student Body Vice President
 Student Body Officer ElectionsKyle Hiemenz
Student Body Officer ElectionsKyle Hiemenz

Student Body Officer ElectionsKyle Hiemenz

As part of their application for student body president, vice president and secretary, candidates have been allowed to write commentaries detailing their platforms. Today’s commentaries are written by students campaigning for the office of vice president. Officer elections occur Feb. 26 – 27. Don’t forget to vote!

“Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Be strong and very courageous.” Joshua 1:6-7.

As I read these words, I’m inspired. Just as the Lord commanded Joshua to lead his people, I have been commanded to lead my people, the students of SMU. God has instilled in me the power to be strong and courageous. I stand before my fellow students and ask for your support. I’m humbled at the awesome standards that the past officers have set in place, and I look forward to reaching and exceeding the standards. The officers of 2002-2003 set many new programs afoot, expanding PONI and getting the new Dedman Center to finally be constructed.

The strength and courage our officers put forth to achieve these goals shows us that our future is hopeful at SMU. Continuing in their legacy, I will further expand PONI and help solve our problems on campus. This year, we have had too many on-campus attacks and a lot of parking lot troubles.

We must not ignore these problems, but instead acknowledge them and take them on head first. I will not idly sit by and watch as fellow students are mugged and stripped of their vehicles. We do not come to SMU to be threatened, but instead to gain knowledge, and this situation must be rectified.

Also, I would like to see more and better scholarship opportunities provided to the students. So many of us put in the hard work and the effort SMU demands of us, but are unable to get scholarships due to the tight restrictions imposed by the sponsors. We need more scholarships available to the masses. Finally, I propose that the Meadows building receive more funding for student projects.

Many theater, dance, art and film students gain a great deal of knowledge by working on student projects, however, funding for these projects is low.

In order to gain proper experience for the “world outside of college,” we must support their academic and artistic ventures.

The strength of the student body united achieves victory, but individually, we struggle. I stand before you, to lead the path to the victory over all the struggles each student has, and strive to bring forth a force to be reckoned with.

Through God, all things are possible. Reaching to him for strength, I will never be weak. While I appear to be only 5 feet 6 inches, 145 pounds, I feel taller than Yao Ming and stronger than the Greek god Hercules. I do not measure myself in inches or pounds, but in courage and strength. I am courage, and I am strength. I am Kyle Hiemenz, and I want to be your Student Body Vice President.

“As for God, his way is perfect. . . He is a shield. . . It is God who arms me with strength and make my way perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31-33. God bless the students of SMU.

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