The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Heartfelt holiday

V- Day may be commercialized, but it should be enjoyed

‘Tis the season for … flowers, chocolates andlingerie? It is hard to find a holiday that has not been exploitedby commercialism, and Valentine’s Day is no exception.

Guys tend to think their girlfriends get the better end of thedeal, but even the ladies’ profits pale in comparison toHallmark, Russell Stover and Victoria’s Secret. CorporateAmerica uses February as a license to produce a heart-shapedcornucopia of tacky gimmicks, cheap-looking bears and gaudyjewelry. From there, aggressive marketing takes over and beats thenames of these products into our heads.

Suddenly, it is no longer safe to watch television, listen tothe radio, read the paper, or surf the Web without being remindedthere is still time to order a handsome vase of roses for thatspecial someone to say “I love you” for only $79.99(with free shipping of course).

But fear not. One need not succumb to the pressures from thisbarrage of ads in order to have an enjoyable Valentine’s Dayexperience. First of all, approaching with the right attitude iscritical. The whole idea is simply to express your love to someone.So perhaps the best thing about Valentine’s Day is itexcludes no one. Everyone has loved ones, and for those staunchcynics out there, “loved ones” cover everyone from agirlfriend of five years to your ever-faithful pooch.

Another key to making the most of out V-day is to put away thewallet and resuscitate your creativity. Forget those unoriginalstuffed animals that squeak “kiss me” when you presstheir tummies — no one wants these and they are annoying ashell. Take a route that shows a little more thought and personaltouch. Are your mother’s favorite flowers yellow tulips? Thenskip the traditional red roses and send those instead. For thosewho are bolder and aspiring Hell’s Angels, a tattoo can evenbe a token of love. Remember, there are no rules in givinggifts.

Well, maybe there are a few rules. Guys should never, ever buyjewelry or clothing for women unless chaperoned by a knowledgeablefemale. A guy’s solo shopping spree can result in disastrouspurchases, many of which are too horrifying to put in print. As forthe girls: do not be deadbeats. Take the initiative to show the menin your life how much they mean to you; they often feel left outand cheated this time of year.

Valentine’s Day will quickly come and go. So make theeffort to enjoy it, because it is a holiday that celebrates one ofthe things that truly makes life worthwhile.

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